Kean Ocean Community DayTuesday, April 22, 2025 at 10:00 AM until 1:00 PMEastern Daylight Time UTC -04:00Map and DirectionsGateway Building (GATE)Lot 4Toms River, NJ 08753United StatesKean Ocean is located on the Ocean County College campus in Toms River. We offer students with an associate degree or at least 30 college credits more than 40 world-class degree programs and options. We also have an ever-growing offering of graduate programs.During Kean Ocean Community Day, you'll have the chance to:Casually learn about our academic programs from facultyNetwork with members of the Kean Ocean CommunityParticipate in seasonally-themed student activitiesLearn about Admissions, Financial Aid, and ScholarshipsThis event is hosted at Kean Ocean, Kean University's degree completion and graduate education institution in partnership with Ocean County College.Student Contact InformationStudent First NameStudent Last NamePreferred NameEmail AddressBirthdateBirthdateJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031202520242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990198919881987198619851984198319821981198019791978197719761975197419731972197119701969196819671966196519641963196219611960195919581957195619551954195319521951195019491948194719461945194419431942194119401939193819371936193519341933193219311930192919281927192619251924192319221921192019191918191719161915191419131912191119101909190819071906190519041903190219011900Cell PhoneWould you like text messages with event updates at this number? Standard data and texting rates apply.Would you like text messages with event updates at this number? Standard data and texting rates apply.YesNoStudent Home InformationPermanent AddressPermanent AddressCountryStreetCityRegionPostal CodeAddress TypeMailing AddressPermanent AddressHome PhoneAcademic InformationAnticipated Entry TermFall 2024Spring 2024Spring 2025Academic LevelUndergraduateStudent TypeFreshmanTransferAdmission TypeAdult (student over age 22)EOF (Education Opportunity Fund)Re-EnrollmentSecond Baccalaureate DegreeSupera (Spanish-Speaking Program)Traditional FreshmanTraditional TransferTransfer-Freshman (College student with under 18 credits)CampusOceanAcademic Program of InterestAccounting (B.S.)Biology - Cell and Molecular Biology (B.S.)Biology - Environmental Biology (B.S.)Biology - Forensic Science (B.S.)Biology - General Option (B.A.)Biology - Health Professions (B.S.)Biology - Teacher Education (B.A.) OptionsBiology - Teacher Education - STEM 5yr. (B.S./M.A.)Biology - Teacher of Students w/Disabilities (B.A.)Communication - Communication Studies (B.A.)Communication - Journalism (B.A.)Communication - Media/Film (B.A.)Communication - Public Relations (B.A.)Criminal Justice (B.A.)Early Childhood Education - P-3 Teacher of Students w/ Disabilities (B.A.)Early Childhood Education - P-3 Teacher of Students w/ Disabilities - COMMUNICATIONS (B.A.)Early Childhood Education - P-3 Teacher of Students w/ Disabilities - EARTH SCIENCE (B.A.)Early Childhood Education - P-3 Teacher of Students w/ Disabilities - ENGLISH STA.LIT (B.A.)Early Childhood Education - P-3 Teacher of Students w/ Disabilities - ENGLISH WRITING (B.A.)Early Childhood Education - P-3 Teacher of Students w/ Disabilities - FINE ARTS (B.A.)Early Childhood Education - P-3 Teacher of Students w/ Disabilities - HISTORY (B.A.)Early Childhood Education - P-3 Teacher of Students w/ Disabilities - MATHEMATICS (B.A.)Early Childhood Education - P-3 Teacher of Students w/ Disabilities - MUSIC (B.A.)Early Childhood Education - P-3 Teacher of Students w/ Disabilities - PSYCHOLOGY (B.A.)Early Childhood Education - P-3 Teacher of Students w/ Disabilities - SPANISH (B.A.)Early Childhood Education - P-3 Teacher of Students w/ Disabilities - THEATRE (B.A.)Elementary Education - Bilingual K-6 (B.A.)Elementary Education - Bilingual K-6 - BIOLOGY (B.A.)Elementary Education - Bilingual K-6 - CHEMISTRY/PHYSICS (B.A.)Elementary Education - Bilingual K-6 - COMMUNICATIONS (B.A.)Elementary Education - Bilingual K-6 - EARTH SCIENCE (B.A.)Elementary Education - Bilingual K-6 - ENGLISH STA.LIT (B.A.)Elementary Education - Bilingual K-6 - ENGLISH WRITING (B.A.)Elementary Education - Bilingual K-6 - FINE ARTS (B.A.)Elementary Education - Bilingual K-6 - HISTORY (B.A.)Elementary Education - Bilingual K-6 - MATHEMATICS (B.A.)Elementary Education - Bilingual K-6 - MUSIC (B.A.)Elementary Education - Bilingual K-6 - POLITICAL SCIENCE (B.A.)Elementary Education - Bilingual K-6 - PSYCHOLOGY (B.A.)Elementary Education - Bilingual K-6 - SOCIOLOGY (B.A.)Elementary Education - Bilingual K-6 - SPANISH (B.A.)Elementary Education - Bilingual K-6 - THEATRE (B.A.)Elementary Education - Bilingual K-6/5-8 (B.A.)Elementary Education - Bilingual K-6/5-8 - BIOLOGY (B.A.)Elementary Education - Bilingual K-6/5-8 - EARTH SCIENCE (B.A.)Elementary Education - Bilingual K-6/5-8 - ENGLISH STA.LIT (B.A.)Elementary Education - Bilingual K-6/5-8 - ENGLISH WRITING (B.A.)Elementary Education - Bilingual K-6/5-8 - HISTORY (B.A.)Elementary Education - Bilingual K-6/5-8 - MATHEMATICS (B.A.)Elementary Education - Bilingual K-6/5-8 - SPANISH (B.A.)Elementary Education - K-6 Teacher of Students w/ Disabilities (B.A.)Elementary Education - K-6 Teacher of Students w/ Disabilities - BIOLOGY (B.A.)Elementary Education - K-6 Teacher of Students w/ Disabilities - CHEMISTRY/PHYSICS (B.A.)Elementary Education - K-6 Teacher of Students w/ Disabilities - COMMUNICATIONS (B.A.)Elementary Education - K-6 Teacher of Students w/ Disabilities - EARTH SCIENCE (B.A.)Elementary Education - K-6 Teacher of Students w/ Disabilities - ENGLISH STA.LIT (B.A.)Elementary Education - K-6 Teacher of Students w/ Disabilities - ENGLISH WRITING (B.A.)Elementary Education - K-6 Teacher of Students w/ Disabilities - FINE ARTS (B.A.)Elementary Education - K-6 Teacher of Students w/ Disabilities - HISTORY (B.A.)Elementary Education - K-6 Teacher of Students w/ Disabilities - MATHEMATICS (B.A.)Elementary Education - K-6 Teacher of Students w/ Disabilities - MUSIC (B.A.)Elementary Education - K-6 Teacher of Students w/ Disabilities - POLITICAL SCIENCE (B.A.)Elementary Education - K-6 Teacher of Students w/ Disabilities - PSYCHOLOGY (B.A.)Elementary Education - K-6 Teacher of Students w/ Disabilities - SOCIOLOGY (B.A.)Elementary Education - K-6 Teacher of Students w/ Disabilities - SPANISH (B.A.)Elementary Education - K-6 Teacher of Students w/ Disabilities - THEATRE (B.A.)Elementary Education - K-6/5-8 Teacher of Students w/ Disabilities (B.A.)Elementary Education - K-6/5-8 Teacher of Students w/ Disabilities - BIOLOGY (B.A.)Elementary Education - K-6/5-8 Teacher of Students w/ Disabilities - EARTH SCIENCE (B.A.)Elementary Education - K-6/5-8 Teacher of Students w/ Disabilities - ENGLISH STA.LIT (B.A.)Elementary Education - K-6/5-8 Teacher of Students w/ Disabilities - ENGLISH WRITING (B.A.)Elementary Education - K-6/5-8 Teacher of Students w/ Disabilities - HISTORY (B.A.)Elementary Education - K-6/5-8 Teacher of Students w/ Disabilities - MATHEMATICS (B.A.)Elementary Education - K-6/5-8 Teacher of Students w/ Disabilities - SPANISH (B.A.)English - English in Global Settings (B.A.)English - K-12 Teacher Education (B.A.)English - K-12 Teacher of Students w/ Disabilities (B.A.)English - Literature and Writing (B.A.)English - Writing Option (B.A.)Environmental Science (B.S.)Exercise Science (B.S.)Exercise Science - Pre Athletic Training/Pre Physical Therapy (B.S.)Finance (B.S.)Fine Arts (B.A.)Fine Arts - Art Education (B.A.)Global Business (B.S.)Global Studies (B.A.)History (B.A.)History - Pre-Law (B.A.)History - Teacher Education (B.A.)History - Teacher of Students w/Disabilities (B.A.)Liberal Arts (B.A.)Management - Entrepreneurship (B.S.)Management - General Business (B.S.)Management - Human Resources (B.S.)Management - Supply Chain & Info. Management (B.S.)Marketing (B.S.)Mathematical Sciences (B.A.)Mathematical Sciences - Actuarial Science (B.A.)Mathematical Sciences - Data Analytics (B.A.)Mathematical Sciences - K-12 Teacher Education (B.A.)Mathematical Sciences - K-12 Teacher of Students w/Disabilities (B.A.)Mathematical Sciences - Statistics (B.A.)Nursing (R.N to B.S.N.)Nursing (R.N to B.S.N.) via Nursing Pathways ProgramPhysical Education & Health - Teacher Education (B.S.)Psychology (B.A.)Psychology - Forensic Psychology (B.A.)Psychology and Psychiatric Rehabilitation (B.S.) - Joint Program with RutgersPublic Administration (B.A./M.P.A. Dual Program)Public Health (B.S.)Recreation Administration - Community Recreation (B.A.)Recreation Administration - Sports Event Management (B.A.)Recreational Therapy (B.A.)Sociology (B.A.)Event InformationHow did you hear about this event?Admissions Visit at High SchoolEmailFriend/Family MemberHigh School/Guidance CounselorNavianceNJ Transit AdvertisementOnline AdvertisementKean WebsitePostcardRadioSocial MediaStudent AmbassadorTVVisit to KeanWill you be attending with guests? If so, how many?*Do not include yourself012Submit